About Us

Life Nutrition with Kale is privately owned and operated health and wellness coaching dedicated to reducing and eliminating the frustation busy moms are weighed down with when it comes to caring for their own mind and body health. Our goal is to dig deep, to find WHY you are stuck at XXX pounds, have no energy, feel like anything you eat makes you feel like sh*t and gain 10 pounds, and you have so much brain fog you forgot why you walked into that room.

We provide you with a tailored nutrition, detox and supplement strategy to get let the weight fall off, your energy to sky rocket and the brain fog be gone! But, we also work to create a fun space with unique understanding that we are moms, life isn't perfect and sh*t happens. We are here to help you not only know what to do & how to do it, but also beleive you can and you are worth it!

Our process starts with a complete assessment of your symptoms and toxicity levels. From there, we begin with detoxing the liver and opening your natural detox pathways. Then it's choose your own adventure: simply start with foundational supplements to ensure your body is fueled with her basic requirements, or utilize functional testing to create an individualized path to create the life you love.

Meet Kale, your coach below!

Meet Kale

The founder of Life Nutrition with Kale, Kale is dedicated to the wellness of each and every person who walks through her virtual door. Kale has been obsessed with health, fitness and nutrition for 20+ years.

From starting to focus own her own health in high school and college, to really digging in after having her first son, she is now an certified Integrative Health Practitioner with IHP & Master Health Coach with Precision Nutrition, with a passion to help busy moms like herself, take back their health while still being everything for their families, especially their kids.

Heal your body. Love your life.


Heal your body. Love your life.

Let's get started on your personalized path.

Toxicity Quiz